So, writer's block is not a fun thing, especially when you started off writing your blog when you were full of steam and lots of new ideas. As I start writing this particular blog, I'm still not quite sure what it will be about, but I wanted to get a little something up for my loyal followers who have been very diligent about wondering when they would see my next post.
They say that Portland is such a great city because there's so much to do here, and so much accessibility to lots of different places. True, you can get to the coast or the desert or the mountain in a little under two hours, but it's hard to do these things every weekend, especially when you work as much as I do. So although there is much to do and see here, I haven't been doing it lately and have found myself running out of things to write about. Hence this hastily posted blog basically about nothing.
A friend of mine suggested I write a story about the Veritable Quandary, a quaint and comfy bar where my co-workers and I spend a good amount of our time, but I can't quite wrap my head around what to say. It seems that only those that are present at the VQ on a given night can truly understand the hilarity of the things that go on there. Though I surely give a shout out to my favorite bartender and ex-landlord, Kyle, for always putting up with our crazy antics and sheepish approach when we show up the next night asking, "Are you sure I closed out with you last night?". Yes, the VQ is a home away from home for all of us Harborsiders, who once decided we should be allowed to have a group room at the Marriott across the street in order to avoid driving home, or just so we could have a place to nap in between our doubles. The VQ is a welcoming bar with tasty beverages and lots of good food (if you've been there and haven't tried the duck confit spring rolls, you should), but I don't feel that it's a topic worthy enough to support this entire post so...
Keep me in your thoughts and if you have any ideas about any interesting and exciting things happening around Portland, let me know. If you know me, you know I'm a perfectionist, and can probably assume that I'm not super thrilled about posting a blog about a topic I can't seem to come up with. Still I just thought you all should know where I'm at with Pdxepectations. I'm not abandoning it, I'm just, literally, at a loss for words.
Thanks to all who visit my site, and look forward to hearing from me. Visit the VQ if you haven't been there, and try one of their best summer drinks, the John Daly. Just be careful, they've been known to cause blackouts.
Check out the link to the VQ under My Favorite Portland Places.