Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tea For Two...Or Just For You
Christmas came early in our house this year,as it often does due to our work schedules. Since both my fiance and I have to work Christmas Eve and Day, we held our Christmas celebration over our weekend this past Tuesday. When we first came to the arrangement of celebrating our Christmas early, I was actually quite against it. Growing up, we were never allowed to open any gifts early and there was a solid emphasis on "Christmas Day being Christmas Day." However, in my adult life, I have come to understand that the day really isn't about the date, but more about celebrating with the ones you love. Whatever you need to do to make that happen justifies Christmas in my book.
Well, needless to say we had a wonderful and relaxing time, just as we had hoped for. It's kind of nice now to be able to sit back and watch everyone else bustling around with that glazed-over look in their eyes, and not to feel the slightest bit stressed out myself. In fact, this calm, nonchalant attitude is exactly what I will need to get me through the next three days of chaos at work. Without it, I could most certainly crash and burn with a slew of Christmas-Sweater-Clad Crazy Guests pushing me down into the flames.
But back to the matter at hand, Christmas. We both received some wonderful gifts this year, mostly sensible, but all much needed and appreciated. One of my absolute favorites is a lime green loose leaf tea pot that brews two perfect cups of tea. I have been wanting a loose leaf pot for quite some time for a variety of reasons, and know this one will certainly be put to good use. Besides the fact that it eliminates so much waste in terms of packaging, it also allows me to explore the world of tea, and not just be restricted to the brands sold on the grocery store shelf. Also let's not forget the fact that it's lime green! Just seeing a new burst of color in my kitchen has inspired me to try to incorporate other bright and lively colors into my kitchen decor.
My first stop on my tea exploration is going to be The Tao of Tea on Se Belmont Ave. in Portland. The Tao (pronounced dao) is a Portland based company with an amazing mission statement and a genuine love of tea and the tea making process. We recently began offering their teas at my restaurant and they are truly delicious. The Tao consists of a luxurious and relaxing tearoom and a retail shop attached next door to purchase their teas and accessories. Visit their website and you will see how many exceptional varieties of organic and fair trade teas that they offer. Of course, a link will be posted under My Favorite Portland Places for your own exploration and enjoyment. I think I feel a new obsession coming on...
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tree Decorating Party a Success!
We had a great time having a few friends over and putting up the tree. It was a small get together, but sharing the experience with friends definitely made it feel more like the holidays! Here are a few pictures of the results.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
It's Beginninng to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Well the holidays are most certainly upon us, and I am already officially turkeyed out. We've had turkey dinner, turkey sandwiches, turkey salad and turkey soup, all of which have been extremely delicious and prepared with care by my wonderful fiance. However, I've been wondering why I've been sleeping an extra two hours a night, and I think I might finally have my answer-TURKEY!
Last year was a difficult holiday season for us,as I was out of work and on a very strict budget. This year I am really looking forward to doing all the things we missed out on in 2009. First things first, we are hanging lights on the house, and white icicle lights at that! Last year we couldn't afford elevated electric bills,let alone gifts for each other. I am so excited to be engaged this holiday season and be able to buy my honey some great gifts. I started with an absolutely beautiful Christmas ornament, a big bejeweled "K", since we will be celebrating all Christmases after this one as the Kelseys!!!
Can you tell I'm excited? I'm also really looking forward to celebrating with friends, starting with a tree decorating party tomorrow, complete with holiday music and lots of Bailey's. We all know Christmas isn't Christmas without Bailey's, especially if you're a part of my family....
Something else to look forward to is a stroll down Peacock Lane with our good friends next week. In the 9 years I've lived in Portland I've never seen Peacock Lane, but have heard it is an absolutely magnificent display of lights nestled in one of Southeast Portland's most charming neighborhoods. I can't wait to get all bundled up and fill my coffee mug with Bailey's! Maybe I'll even wear my festive holiday vest...
There is so much more to look forward to this holiday season and to be thankful for. Just being able to walk is high up on my list (oh and being able to hit the gym to work off all the turkey and Bailey's). It is early in December so I'm sure a few more holiday posts will be on the way. In fact, this Thursday the Portland Christmas Ships will hit the Riverplace Marina sending diners at a certain waterfront restaurant into an absolutely ridiculous frenzy. Stay tuned for more on that and check out the link under "Portland Places" if you want to learn more about Peacock Lane.
Last year was a difficult holiday season for us,as I was out of work and on a very strict budget. This year I am really looking forward to doing all the things we missed out on in 2009. First things first, we are hanging lights on the house, and white icicle lights at that! Last year we couldn't afford elevated electric bills,let alone gifts for each other. I am so excited to be engaged this holiday season and be able to buy my honey some great gifts. I started with an absolutely beautiful Christmas ornament, a big bejeweled "K", since we will be celebrating all Christmases after this one as the Kelseys!!!
Can you tell I'm excited? I'm also really looking forward to celebrating with friends, starting with a tree decorating party tomorrow, complete with holiday music and lots of Bailey's. We all know Christmas isn't Christmas without Bailey's, especially if you're a part of my family....
Something else to look forward to is a stroll down Peacock Lane with our good friends next week. In the 9 years I've lived in Portland I've never seen Peacock Lane, but have heard it is an absolutely magnificent display of lights nestled in one of Southeast Portland's most charming neighborhoods. I can't wait to get all bundled up and fill my coffee mug with Bailey's! Maybe I'll even wear my festive holiday vest...
There is so much more to look forward to this holiday season and to be thankful for. Just being able to walk is high up on my list (oh and being able to hit the gym to work off all the turkey and Bailey's). It is early in December so I'm sure a few more holiday posts will be on the way. In fact, this Thursday the Portland Christmas Ships will hit the Riverplace Marina sending diners at a certain waterfront restaurant into an absolutely ridiculous frenzy. Stay tuned for more on that and check out the link under "Portland Places" if you want to learn more about Peacock Lane.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How Much is too Much?

In the recent election, a certain candidate running for governor declared that Oregon waiters and waitresses make too much money. He stated that if elected, he would lower the minimum wage for service workers, paying them less than the minimum wage because they received tips. Now, I know this is the case in many other states, including Massachusetts, where I lived for many years. Luckily, I was never a server when I lived there, so it didn't affect me. Now, after being a server for over six years, I am appalled that it is considered decent to pay, perhaps some of the hardest working people in America, less than minimum wage. So I ask the question now, how much is too much for service workers to make?
A recent conversation with a co-worker and close friend brought this issue to the forefront for me. Obviously I did not vote for the candidate above, and he did lose the election probably because so many Oregonians do work in the service industry. But what about those who don't? Do they have any idea what it takes to wait on people day in and day out? If I had a reality show, I would make high powered corporate executives and business people become servers for a day, and then laugh my butt off as I watched them fail miserably. Service is perhaps one of the most taxing industries in today's economy, and one that is so often overlooked, snubbed and taken for granted. I can't tell you how many times I have had a guest, friend or even family member ask me when I am going to get a real job. As if there is no validity or merit to the job I do have, and, if I might add, am extremely successful at.
So many people believe that as a server, or busser or dishwasher, you are less intelligent, less driven, less responsible and less successful than the rest of society. But what would the rest of society do without this class of workers? Who would provide the service expected,and do it with a smile on their face? And how is it right to believe that we should be payed less than the minimum wage, when no one else wants to do this job anyway. Honestly, the whole conversation is too much for me sometimes.
True, I could walk our of a four hour shift with $300 in my pocket, but I could also be snapped at, beckoned and treated rudely by a guest in order to make that $300. I could also walk out of a four hour shift with $30 in my pocket, and rent due the next day, having no control over the fact that I can't pay it. I could be extremely diligent and efficient in my service and receive no tip at all because a guest doesn't believe I deserve a tip, or because they come from a culture that doesn't include tipping in their society. With so many factors out of my control regarding the money that I make, who in their right mind would believe that I should make less than the minimum wage? In fact, doesn't it make sense that service workers should make more than the minimum wage, since the tips they earn are so unreliable?
What do you think? How much is too much for a service worker's wage? Comments would be much appreciated.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Coast to Coast & Wedding Woes

Well I'm back from vacation and finally getting caught up on things, so I suppose it's time for a little update on how things have been going since we went back East. Honestly it has been quite a whirlwind since getting engaged three weeks ago. It almost feels like there wasn't enough time to actually let the engagement sink in, since we traveled 3,000 miles and then got bombarded with lots of congratulations and questions. Number one on the list right now; "When's the date!?!". This question alone brings on a slight feeling of nausea and sends a shudder through my entire body. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing visiting with my best friends and family, and so wonderful to see how well everyone is doing, it was just a lot to take in all at once. So it feels quite good to back to real life and the normal routine.
Now that we have been home for just about a week, the reality of getting married is finally starting to sink in, and it is one of the most overwhelming feelings I have ever experienced. The idea of marrying my man is the least of it, as I feel I could do it today without any qualms or anxiety whatsoever. It's the planning of the whole "affair" that has me running for the hills and daydreaming of elopement. I mean seriously, it seems to me like the whole wedding industry is a complete ripoff. Talking to couples that have been recently married, the general consensus is that the average wedding costs about $25,000. Are you kidding me? Personally, I can think of a million better ways to spend that amount of money than to throw a party for myself.
As I research weddings further, and start to really explore what I want and what matters to me, I wonder if a wedding is even my cup of tea. Between food and flowers and music and venues, it feels like the emotion,commitment and dedication that a couple has for each other can really get lost in the shuffle. This is the last thing I want to happen to Us. And speaking of Us, that's who it's truly about anyway. I wish more couples could realize this early on and save themselves a whole lot of stress and heartache.
So where does that leave my wedding? I honestly don't know. Everyone who knows me knows I love a good party, and I do expect to throw a celebration at some point, I just don't know how or when. One thing I do know for sure is that I can't wait to become a Mrs., and it may happen sooner than anyone thinks. So stay tuned, we just might surprise you.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Going to the Chapel...

Well if you haven't heard the news, it's official, We're engaged!!!!
Realistically I doubt my wedding will actually be in a chapel or church, but I haven't been able to get that catchy old tune out of my head since my fiance first popped the question. Right now even saying the word fiance sounds kind of funny, especially after being with "my boyfriend" for five years, but over time I think I will be able to get used to it. This is such an exciting time and I have so many thoughts and ideas constantly streaming through my mind at a very fast pace, that it's hard to wrap my head around an actual wedding. The best thing about it is, I don't have to yet. I think the first step will be to set a date, which we will probably do in the next week or so. From there, I am just going to try to keep it calm and simple, and enjoy every step of the process of planning the happiest day of my life. I'm marrying my best friend!
So be prepared Pdxers, over the next year you are going to be hearing a lot about weddings and the planning process. For those of you who live in Portland, I would appreciate and welcome any and all suggestions or helpful hints you can offer. In exchange, I promise to do my absolute best not to become a Bridezilla...let the games begin!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Blondie and Cigarettes

About ten years ago my best friend and I went through a phase. It sounds kind of funny to start a post like that because after being friends for fifteen some odd years we have been through many (many) phases together, but this particular phase always seems to stand out in my mind. I don’t know who got their hands on the song first, but it all started when we just couldn’t stop busting out to Blondie’s “Heart of Glass”. We listened to it everywhere we went; her red Camry, my red Camry, dorm rooms, house parties…it was like nothing we had ever heard. Suddenly we both became very retro, in that sort of innocent way that only 19 year olds can pull off.
I ‘m reminiscing about this particular moment in time because in just about a week and half I will be reuniting with my very dear best friend back East where we are both from. In fact, my bestie now lives in the very town where part of our 60’s/70’s glam transformation took place. I honestly don’t know a lot about the town of Northampton. My brother lived there for quite a few years after he finished high school and my best friend has now lived there for a few years as well. When I was still living in Massachusetts, Northampton was always the place I escaped to when I was feeling “funky”. It was always kind of stifling living in our quiet little farm town on the Connecticut River. In NoHo, there were bookstores, record shops, coffee shops and most importantly vintage boutiques. It was heaven for a small –town girl with stars in her eyes and dreams of the big city.
But let’s get back to the matter at hand, the phase. Looking back, I think the phase was actually about being different than everyone else, which both of us had always been really good at. After about the 85th-hundred time of hearing “Heart of Glass”, the two of us decided we needed a new look to go along with our newfound retro music. Enter Roz’s Place, the most amazing vintage store my teenage eyes had ever laid eyes on (and the inspiration for our obsession with vintage that still exists today). It’s been such a long time since I have set foot in the place, but I can still see it like it was yesterday; tall mannequins dressed from head to toe in vintage fashions, racks and racks of dresses and bell-bottoms, hair-dyes in every color of the rainbow, funky jewelry, sunglasses galore, tons and tons of printed silky scarves, and fancy old-school silver cigarette holders. It’s the scarves and cigarette holders that somehow commanded our attention, and for us seemed to go perfectly with our musical obsession. We left the store with one of each a piece, and in fact I still have the very scarf and now semi-rusty cigarette holder that I bought that day…
Were we really retro? Probably not. Did we look somewhat ridiculous as we jumped back into one of our Camrys, tied our scarves around our heads and smoked out of our cigarette holders for the first time (while listening to Heart of Glass)? Probably. But honestly, that didn’t matter to either one of us at all. We were being different, we were having a blast and most importantly, we were together. This is what I think about as my vacation back East quickly approaches. I’m so excited to visit Northampton, see my friend, and be crazy in a way that only we can pull off. Who knows, maybe this visit will be the beginning of another phase that we will go through together. And you better believe I’m going to be checking out Roz’s Place…so don’t be surprised if I come home with hot pink hair.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I Left My Heart in New Mexico
With so much time on my hands lately, I have been doing a lot of reminiscing about past seasons, and especially last year at this time. Around this time last year, I was hopped up on painkillers, strapped in a wheelchair, being pushed through the Albuquerque Airport by a crazy dude who barely spoke English and didn’t give a crap if my broken ankle slammed into everything in our path along the way. I can still see the image of Shawn running behind us, dragging our suitcases and trying to catch up, worrying that this guy was seriously going to hurt me. When we finally got to security, I had to go through a special line where they inspected me thoroughly with a huge beeping wand to make sure I had nothing illegal hidden in my cast. It was all pretty mortifying, as was the plane ride home, where I sat uncomfortably wedged against the window of the plane, banging my numb purple foot into the seat in front of me, over and over and over.
So it might not really sound like I have much to miss about New Mexico or last fall in general. Believe me, when we returned home it got much worse, as I realized I would need surgery and I was going to be out of work for much longer than I thought. In essence, it almost would have been nice to be trapped in that bubble of time that was our trip to New Mexico last September; reality barely setting in, the haze of Vicodin to ease all sorts of pain, and a doting Mother-in-Law to make me tea and play cards with me. She even gave me the quintessential bell to ring if I needed anything. However, what I really miss about New Mexico are the sights, sounds, tastes and smells that make it so utterly southwest. If you’ve never been to the Land of Enchantment it’s impossible to know what I’m talking about. Even if you have been to Albuquerque, Las Cruces or even Las Vegas, New Mexico, you still might not be able to fully grasp the beauty that is Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico in general.
Just sitting here now, I can almost smell the smoky scent of green chile roasting in the outdoor markets. The smell is so distinct it makes your mouth water. I can see vibrant red ristras hanging from adobe buildings and taste the flaky buttery deliciousness of fresh sopapillas melting in my mouth. The tastes and smells are so unique; when I was there it honestly felt like I had traveled to another country. These are the images of New Mexico that I keep in my memory and close to my heart. It truly is a magical, exotic and enchanted place that I wish I had much more time to explore. There is a certain beauty to the landscape, the artwork, and the people that Santa Fe encompasses that can instantly make you feel at peace. The majestic mesas, earthy red rocks, bubbling hot springs and mystical forgotten pueblo towns truly took me back to another place in time. The rich scenery and deep history of New Mexico reminded me that this is one of the places where our country got its start. It’s all kind of breathtaking and extremely humbling to be smack dab in the middle of all that culture. That’s the New Mexico I miss, and the one that’s still tugging on the strings of my heart.
So it might not really sound like I have much to miss about New Mexico or last fall in general. Believe me, when we returned home it got much worse, as I realized I would need surgery and I was going to be out of work for much longer than I thought. In essence, it almost would have been nice to be trapped in that bubble of time that was our trip to New Mexico last September; reality barely setting in, the haze of Vicodin to ease all sorts of pain, and a doting Mother-in-Law to make me tea and play cards with me. She even gave me the quintessential bell to ring if I needed anything. However, what I really miss about New Mexico are the sights, sounds, tastes and smells that make it so utterly southwest. If you’ve never been to the Land of Enchantment it’s impossible to know what I’m talking about. Even if you have been to Albuquerque, Las Cruces or even Las Vegas, New Mexico, you still might not be able to fully grasp the beauty that is Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico in general.
Just sitting here now, I can almost smell the smoky scent of green chile roasting in the outdoor markets. The smell is so distinct it makes your mouth water. I can see vibrant red ristras hanging from adobe buildings and taste the flaky buttery deliciousness of fresh sopapillas melting in my mouth. The tastes and smells are so unique; when I was there it honestly felt like I had traveled to another country. These are the images of New Mexico that I keep in my memory and close to my heart. It truly is a magical, exotic and enchanted place that I wish I had much more time to explore. There is a certain beauty to the landscape, the artwork, and the people that Santa Fe encompasses that can instantly make you feel at peace. The majestic mesas, earthy red rocks, bubbling hot springs and mystical forgotten pueblo towns truly took me back to another place in time. The rich scenery and deep history of New Mexico reminded me that this is one of the places where our country got its start. It’s all kind of breathtaking and extremely humbling to be smack dab in the middle of all that culture. That’s the New Mexico I miss, and the one that’s still tugging on the strings of my heart.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Goodbye Summer?

Well if you live in Portland the question mark needs no explanation here. "What Summer?!?" is the question we have been asking ourselves since June, and sadly, this year,the season never really materialized. Now the rain is back and I'm not ready for it, but it's Portland and I guess we really don't have a choice. So break out your hoodies, Portlanders,(no umbrellas for us locals),Autumn is here...whether we like it or not.
Okay, so I know it's been a while, quite a while, but I am finally back and ready to tackle Pdxpectations head on. I don't know what it is about Fall, and in general the changing of the seasons, that always fills me with the need to create, embrace change and embark on something new, but I do know that it happens every year, and that it's a good feeling. Along those same lines, I recently realized that I completely abandoned my blog last year after I broke my ankle. Back then, it was hard to find the motivation to do anything,let alone write. I mean seriously, I couldn't even make it from the couch to the computer. A lot has changed in the past year, and the experience of "being broken" has been quite an eye-opener. I have also realized that last year at this time I was so preoccupied with being hurt, that I payed no attention to how slow and depressing work can become during these weird off months between the start of school and the holidays. For those of us in the hospitality industry this is most definitely the roughest time of the year to get through. As most of the population is buckling down and trying to establish their "winter routine", we are all scrambling for money and asking ourselves how Summer can really be over already. (What Summer?!?)
Goodwill runs, solo sushi dates, and pouring over the Willamette Week have been the activities that have been rounding out my days as of late. It's all about finding inexpensive but fulfilling ways to entertain myself while I adjust to suddenly only having a twenty hour work week. Believe me, it's really not as fun as it sounds. Just a few days ago, I stumbled upon a new thrift shop here in Portland, and I instantly fell in love. Bearly Worn Resale is located on the corner of 50th and Division, and the place is totally awesome. There is no official website, but the link under "My Favorite Portland Places" will take you to it's page on Yelp for address information and reviews. There are two separate stores in the same building, and I recommend checking out the boutique for really great deals on brand name jackets, boots, purses and more. Seriously Ladies, if you want a cheap way to spend a few hours on a rainy Portland afternoon you have to check this place out! The super-cute cropped leather jacket I scored for $7.50 is proof enough. Bearly Worn definitely gives other Portland thrift stores a run for their money.
Visiting thrift stores is just one of the many ways I plan on making it through the rainy season. Stayed tuned for more of my thoughts and ideas,as well as a facelift to this site coming soon. It feels great to be writing again, and I hope you all will continue to follow me on my travels and adventures in PDX.
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