Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tea For Two...Or Just For You

Christmas came early in our house this year,as it often does due to our work schedules. Since both my fiance and I have to work Christmas Eve and Day, we held our Christmas celebration over our weekend this past Tuesday. When we first came to the arrangement of celebrating our Christmas early, I was actually quite against it. Growing up, we were never allowed to open any gifts early and there was a solid emphasis on "Christmas Day being Christmas Day." However, in my adult life, I have come to understand that the day really isn't about the date, but more about celebrating with the ones you love. Whatever you need to do to make that happen justifies Christmas in my book.
Well, needless to say we had a wonderful and relaxing time, just as we had hoped for. It's kind of nice now to be able to sit back and watch everyone else bustling around with that glazed-over look in their eyes, and not to feel the slightest bit stressed out myself. In fact, this calm, nonchalant attitude is exactly what I will need to get me through the next three days of chaos at work. Without it, I could most certainly crash and burn with a slew of Christmas-Sweater-Clad Crazy Guests pushing me down into the flames.
But back to the matter at hand, Christmas. We both received some wonderful gifts this year, mostly sensible, but all much needed and appreciated. One of my absolute favorites is a lime green loose leaf tea pot that brews two perfect cups of tea. I have been wanting a loose leaf pot for quite some time for a variety of reasons, and know this one will certainly be put to good use. Besides the fact that it eliminates so much waste in terms of packaging, it also allows me to explore the world of tea, and not just be restricted to the brands sold on the grocery store shelf. Also let's not forget the fact that it's lime green! Just seeing a new burst of color in my kitchen has inspired me to try to incorporate other bright and lively colors into my kitchen decor.
My first stop on my tea exploration is going to be The Tao of Tea on Se Belmont Ave. in Portland. The Tao (pronounced dao) is a Portland based company with an amazing mission statement and a genuine love of tea and the tea making process. We recently began offering their teas at my restaurant and they are truly delicious. The Tao consists of a luxurious and relaxing tearoom and a retail shop attached next door to purchase their teas and accessories. Visit their website and you will see how many exceptional varieties of organic and fair trade teas that they offer. Of course, a link will be posted under My Favorite Portland Places for your own exploration and enjoyment. I think I feel a new obsession coming on...

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